Votes taken by Moka_Lady

view post Posted: 7/4/2013, 14:10     +1Sri Lanka, i giganti del santuario cetaceo di Mirissa - Animals

Sri Lanka, i giganti
del santuario cetaceo di Mirissa


Immagini dal santuario dei cetacei di Mirissa, al largo della costa meridionale dello Sri Lanka. La profondità delle acque a ridosso della costa - merito della vicinanza della zolla continentale alla costa - ne fanno uno degli habitat ideali per i cetacei, dai delfini alle balene. Il ritorno di condizioni favorevoli al turismo nell'isola - dopo la guerra civile del 2009 e il precedente tsunami - hanno favorito lo sviluppo del whale watching organizzato. In queste immagini, avvistamenti di megattere e balenottere azzurre, queste ultime il più grande animale vivente al mondo, con i suoi oltre 30 metri di lunghezza e 120-130 tonnellate di peso.










Una famiglia di delfini (Stenelle dal lungo rostro) Fonte

view post Posted: 7/4/2013, 13:58     +1Cuccioli - Animals

Si chiama Mango ed è nato il 7 febbraio allo zoo di Beerwah, in Australia. Alla
nascita pesava 40 chili, e il nome è stato scelto attraverso un concorso lanciato su Facebook

view post Posted: 7/4/2013, 13:53     +1Flying animals - Animals

Neve primaverile in un parco a Pechino

view post Posted: 7/4/2013, 13:35     +1Cuccioli - Animals

Un cucciolo di wallaby (un marsupiale più piccolo del canguro)
fa capolino dal marsupio della madreFonte

view post Posted: 7/4/2013, 11:50     +1Flying animals - Animals

Un giovane esemplare di gufo delle nevi fotografato in Germania Fonte

Edited by Milea - 22/6/2013, 15:49
view post Posted: 6/4/2013, 23:20     +1It's blue, what else matters? Il Chelsea nello spot Adidas - Sport

FEELING BLUE ... Blue is the colour

Chelsea stars David Luiz, Fernando Torres
and Eden Hazard in adidas promotion


Chelsea’s star-studded squad have demonstrated just how far they are prepared to go for the club — by agreeing to be sprayed with blue PAINT!
It's all the work of kit suppliers adidas who have launched a spectacular ad campaign to celebrate the Chelsea home shirt for 2013-14.
Tagged “It’s Blue, What Else Matters”, the promotion features spectacular images of stars such as David Luiz, Fernando Torres and Eden Hazard in iconic football poses, plastered from head to foot in the blue liquid.
An adidas spokesman said: “The campaign was created based on the insight that Chelsea can clearly own ‘blue’ as a colour.
“Not only do they sing about it, but they are the only club in the English Premier League that call themselves ‘The Blues’.
“Seeing the players take part and show their commitment to the colour and the lengths that they will go to will inspire the fans and show the club as they have never been seen before.”
You can see how everything was put together in our behind-the-scenes video below.



view post Posted: 1/4/2013, 14:47     +2Doodle on April 2nd, 2013 for Maria Sibylla Merian - I doodle

Doodle on April 2nd, 2013
for Maria Sibylla Merian

Google honors her 366th birthday


There is a Google Doodle on April 2nd, 2013 on the Google homepage. It is about Maria Sibylla Merian. She was a scientific illustrator and naturalist. She document very detailed the metamorphosis of the butterfly. Her main work was titled "Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamesium". It detailed describes the life cycle of insects in Surinam. Maria Sibylla Merian is considered as a pioneer of entomology. Google honors her 366th birthday with this Google Doodle.Happy Birthday Maria Sibylla Merian! Found the Google letters?

Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717) was one of the greatest artist-naturalists of her time. From child-hood she had been fascinated by the life cycles of butterflies, and she made a close study of their transformations. She became a flower-painter and teacher in Nuremberg, Frankfurt and Amsterdam. Inspired by exotic specimens imported from the Dutch colonies for the natural history collections of Holland, in 1699, at the age of fifty-two, Merian made an expedition to Surinam (Dutch Guiana) in South America. Her aim was to study the indigenous flora and fauna in their tropical habitat. On her return to Amsterdam two years later, she began work on a lavishly illustrated book, the Meta-morphosis insectorum Surinamensium (‘The Metamorphoses of the Insects of Surinam’, published in 1705), depicting the life cycles of the region’s insects.
Most of Merian’s watercolours displayed here are de luxe versions (painted on vellum) of the plates of the Metamorphosis, together with some works produced independently of that publication. Read more...

The 95 watercolours by Merian in the Royal Collection were bought in 1755 by George III, when Prince of Wales.

The Royal Collection


view post Posted: 29/3/2013, 21:00     +2La tavola e le decorazioni di Pasqua - HOBBY

Vasetti pasquali fai da te

Per creare questi vasetti potete utilizzare dei vasetti di terracotta, delle lattine come quelle dei pelati o dei barattoli di vetro come quelli dei sottaceti. Solitamente sono tutti contenitori che, per lo più, finiscono nella spazzatura (mi raccomando la differenziata!), ma oggi voglio darvi un consiglio, qualche idea per utilizzare questi contenitori e farne qualcosa di nuovo, qualcosa di puramente adatto per la Pasqua. Siete pronti per realizzare dei vasetti pasquali completamente fatti con le vostre mani?

Vasetti pasquali di terracotta


Prendete tutto ciò che di colorato c'è in casa vostra: pezzi di cartoncino colorato, stoffa, colori a tempera, carta crespa, glitter, nastrini, qualsiasi cosa, tutto può rivelarsi utile!Colorate il vasetto con dei colori a tempera. Spennellate per bene e lasciate asciugare. Sempre con della tempera disegnate qualcosina sul vasetto: delle uova, dei pulcini, anche solo la sagoma! Lasciate asciugare ancora una volta. Nel vasetto, poi, mettete delle piantine con delle uova decorate precedentemente (come da foto) o qualsiasi decorazioni pasquale avete in casa.
Se non avete i colori, rivestite il vasetto con della carta crespa colorata, anche più colori vanno bene. E, invece di disegnare qualcosa, potete ritagliare delle formine sul cartoncino e applicarle con della colla a caldo. Se avete del nastrino date il tocco finale al vostro vasetto.

Vasetti di alluminio pasquali


Tra i vari vasetti da giardino, di certo, avrete anche quelli di alluminio e non solo. Scommetto che in casa avete sempre dei barattoli di alluminio come quelli dei pelati o delle lattine che contengono bevande. Solitamente anche quelle le buttate ma questa volta no, questa volta renderemo questi contenitori di alluminio perfetti per la nostra Pasqua. I contenitori di alluminio vanno prima di tutti colorati. Se sapete fare gli stencil, decorateli con quelli, ovviamente fate delle formine adatte alla Pasqua. Anche i disegni floreali vanno più che bene ma ricordatevi di inserire poi nel vasetto qualcosa che richiami la festività.
Un altro modo è quello di creare, con dei cartoncini, le sagome dei simboli pasquali: uova, conigli, carote e croci. Ritagliate queste forme e applicatele sui vasetti di alluminio.

Vasetti di vetro pasquali


Infine potete utilizzare per decorare casa anche i barattoli di vetro. In questo caso potete fare le stesse decorazioni finora indicate oppure, come da foto, applicare un bel nastrino e riempire i barattoli di vetro con dei biscotti pasquali.


view post Posted: 29/3/2013, 15:38     +2Grieving Dolphin Carries Dead Calf Around For Days - Animals

Grieving Dolphin Carries
Dead Calf Around For Days

Seen During Dana Point Whale Watching Safari


Whale watchers aboard Captain Dave's Dolphin and Whale Watching Safari had an unexpected and heartbreaking encounter with a pod of bottlenose dolphins yesterday. A deceased dolphin calf was being carried by an adult bottlenose dolphin on its back.

"I believe this calf has been dead for many days, possibly weeks," explains Capt. Dave Anderson, "you can see the flesh is decaying. In my nearly twenty years on the water whale watching I have never seen this behavior. Nor have I ever seen anything quite as moving as this mother who refuses to let go of her poor calf."

This video sends a powerful message about how much a dolphin can care, it is a window into a dolphins heart. This animal is laboring under the strain of carrying this dead animal on its back day and night is probably keeping it near the surface so the departed dolphin can breathe. We can assume this because dolphins do not normally swim with their dorsal fins sticking out of the water continuously like this bottlenose did. We can only imagine what happened; over half of all bottlenose calves die from disease and predators before their second birthday, and since we know that the family unit in dolphin pods is the mother and calf, this is almost certainly a mother and calf pair. Did mom start off helping her weak, sick offspring swim to the surface to breathe for days till the tiny dolphin died? When will she give up on her calf? Will she continue carrying her deceased on her back until the carcass begins to disintegrate? This poor grieving mother dolphin takes us, without words, to a place where as one of our passengers said in the video "humans and dolphins are not so different."

The pair were surrounded by other dolphins, almost as if they were being protected, during this profoundly sad time. The dolphin was seen an hour later by another boat still carrying the calf.

Scientists estimate that 308,000 dolphins and whales die every year worldwide because of fishing gear entanglement. Captain Dave organized Orange County's first whale disentanglement group in 2008 and has successfully disentangled several gray whales, including Lily, whose disentanglement made national headlines. Capt. Dave authored the award winning book, "Lily, A Gray Whale's Odyssey", a magnificent photographic journey of a gray whale's migration. For more information visit

Captain Dave's Dolphin and Whale Watching Safari offers daily, year-round, dolphin and whale watching trips from Dana Point, California, aboard a hi-tech catamaran sailboat with Eye-to-Eye Underwater Viewing Pods and LIVE broadcasting from

(949) 488-2828
[email protected]
view post Posted: 29/3/2013, 09:41     +2Amy Marques: baby bonnet parade for Easter - NEWS

Amy Marques: baby bonnet parade

Rabbit ears, pom-poms and owl hats for the newborns
who are ready for Easter

These adorable images of sleeping newborn babies are enough to warm anyone up on these cold days. The super sweet infants - captured by photographer Amy Marques - wear a variety of soft woolly hats from rabbit ears to knitted owls. Photographer Amy, 49, gets sleepy babies in to position and once they nod off gets to work by carefully photographing them in a variety of poses.

Each of the babies - who are no older than 10 days - spend up to three hours with Amy but only a small amount of time is spent shooting because she has to wait until they are in deep slumber. Amy, from Port St Lucie in Florida, USA, said: 'Photographing napping newborns in this style is not easy especially when they are nude. 'Most like to be kept very warm so I will often have a small heater blowing warm air their way or sometimes even place a heating pad beneath them.

'My average shoot is about three hours but the majority of that time is spent feeding, changing and swaddling the newborn until they drift off - it takes a lot of patience as baby is boss. 'Most of my young subjects are under 10 days old while their precious little bodies are still flexible from being in the womb. Shortly after that time their backs begin to stiffen up.

Amy, who has been taking baby portraits for two years, is used to babies who don't want to play and has learned to find ways to work with even the most difficult. She added: 'I had a four-day-old newborn that refused to fall asleep horizontally. The only way he would nap was when his mum held him close in the upright position.

'Mum knew I had my work cut out for me and she was right as he was having none of that. 'Her husband loved gardening so I asked her if he had a large, good looking flower pot to place her son in and she found his favourite clay pot which was not being used at the time.

'I carefully placed the baby on it upright using blankets and padding to hold him in place - I even had a hat that matched the colours of the pot wonderfully. 'Mum was so excited she literally jumped up and down with happiness. And dad was also very pleased about that choice of prop.'

Cosy: This adorable newborn suggles up
to some furry friends whilst falling into a deep slumber

Potty training: These adorable images of sleeping newborn babies
are enough to warm anyone up even on the coldest of days

Just hanging out: Photographer Amy snaps the cute kids
in a range of amazing positions, including hanging in a bucket

Pensive: This super sweet tot looks deep in pensive dreamworld
and dons a super cosy wooly hat

All curled up: The sweet tots were captured by photographer Amy Marques

Snoozing in the magician's hat: After they nod off Amy gets to work
by carefully photographing the toddlers in a number of positions

Picture perfect: Each of the littleuns - who are no older than 10 days - spend up to three hours
with Amy but only a small amount of time is spent shooting
because she has to wait until they are in deep slumber

Peekaboo: Amy, who has been taking baby portraits for two years,
is used to babies who don't want to play and has learned
to find ways to work with even the most difficult

Just chilling: The toddlers are in a number of positions from relaxing
in a hammock to sitting in a plant pot

Hanging out: Most like to be kept very warm so Amy will often have
a small heater blowing warm air their way

Snug as a bug in a rug: This cute tot looks very comfortable nestled in a fleecy rug

Bad dreams: This tot looks rather perplexed in his slumber with an adorable owl hat on

Edited by Milea - 29/3/2013, 09:43
view post Posted: 26/3/2013, 10:25     +2Le schiave del sesso in Bangladesh: gonfiate con le pillole per le mucche a 11 anni - NEWS

Daulatdia Brothel by Lisa Wiltse

Imagine a young girl, no more than 13 years old playing dress up, putting on heavy makeup to disguise her youth beneath a mask of paint. Imagine the smile on her face and her innocence. Imagine, that instead of playing make believe she must go out and sell her body to male clients up to 12 times a day.

This is the daily routine for underage sex worker Bristi, who lives with her mother, a former prostitute in Daulatdia, Bangladesh’s largest brothel. Bristi has been actively working for no more than 3 months but, like most girls who are brought up in the brothel, she was most likely sexually active or abused at a very young age.

Because of Bristi’s youth, she is one of the most popular sex workers. All the money she earns must go to her mother, who beats her if she does not fulfill the wishes of the customer, which is most likely not to use a condom. When asked what Bristi wants to be when she grows up, she says “A madam, so I can make a lot of money”. This is the terrifying and vicious cycle for so many of the girls who are either born into the brothel or brought here against their will.

In the village of Dauladtia, Bangladesh, on the banks of the Padma River, the landscape is flat dusty and dotted with corrugated roofs. The air is filled with the sounds of trucks’ horns, train whistles, and the orchestral hum of humans buzzing through the village. At first glance this does not look any different to countless other poor villages in this country, which is one of Asia's poorest and most congested.
But just off the main street down a narrow alleyway, is a densely packed collection of tin shacks, shops, cafes and narrow streets lined with prostitutes, mostly underage, fiercely competing with one another for customers.

It is the largest brothel in Bangladesh, with over 2000 servicing 3000 men every day. They have usually been kidnapped by gangs, sold by stepmothers, or lured here by boyfriends with promises of good jobs. In the brothel hierarchy, those who are bonded have the least freedom, but even those who chose to come here feel they have no alternative. Despite Muslim strictures on sex outside marriage, there are 100,000 women selling sex in Bangladesh and clients are surprisingly open about the fact that they visit them.

The brothels are like ghettos where sex workers are confined in order to keep what is considered an “unbearable business” from spoiling the social environment. Such places are deliberately kept in obscurity and hidden from the eyes of the mainstream society. Inside their narrow alleys and crumbling lanes, a life full of hardship, extortion, rape, abuses and harassments of any kind, are an everyday occurrence.

For the underage girls, the Madams prescribe a drug called Oredexon, a “cow-fattening” steroid to make the girls look older, despite the dangerous side effects on their health. Sex workers in Bangladesh are considered to be owned by brothel madams and have to repay their “purchase cost.” Sex workers themselves want to use Oradexon because the plumper they are, the more clients they get, and the closer they come to buying their freedom.

What does the future hold for these children?
By delving deeply into the tragic lives of the women and children, I hope to reveal greater human truths about this vicious cycle and the complex nature of women’s choices and the women of Daulatdia as a global community.
Being a woman living with the luxuries of the western world, I want to try to understand the hardships of these suffering young women, being a humanist, I want to understand and consequently shine a light on the plight of suffering children. It is this desire to explore, to experience and try to understand things other than what I know that informs my work.

There is more to see, surely--something different and revealing and instructive and beyond the mere fact of suffering. All lives, even those many consider wretched and deprived, are "lives" still and there is beauty and courage and yes even joy in them. My intention is not to only shed light on their struggle, but present the full spectrum of their experiences and capture deeper, truer visual references that are distinct and personal.

Edited by Milea - 7/8/2021, 21:02
view post Posted: 17/3/2013, 00:13     +1St. Patrick’s Day 2013 celebrated with animated Google Doodle - I doodle

St. Patrick’s Day 2013
celebrated with animated Google Doodle

This Sunday St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated in different countries including the UK and Canada, Australia, and the United States. Like in previous years Google will celebrate this day with a special doodle and this year for the first time Google will celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day with a simple animated doodle. In the logo you can see five kids, one boy and four girls who are dancing and jumping.


You cannot do anything with the doodle, it’s just the animation on the homepage of the search engine. Google is celebrating St. Patrick’s Day since 2000 which an exception in 2003 when no doodle was placed. In 2009 the winner of the Doodle 4 Google was used and in 2011 there were two doodles, the first logo celebrating the day was later replaced and reused in 2012. Also YouTube celebrated St. Patrick’s Day one time, this was in 2009 and Orkut celebrated the day in 2010.
Location: Canada, Ethiopia, Ireland, Argentina, Ghana, Australia, Iceland, Zimbabwe, Ukraine, Uganda, Denmark, United States, Sweden, Namibia, Kenya, New Zealand, Russia, Greenland, South Africa, United Kingdom, Colombia, Hungary


Edited by Milea - 18/3/2013, 16:38
view post Posted: 6/3/2013, 18:34     +1Le cavallette dall’Egitto invadono Israele - Animals

Le cavallette dall’Egitto invadono Israele


Israele dalla notte scorsa si trova a dover fronteggiare una vera e propria invasione dall’Egitto: non si tratta però di una riedizione della Guerra dei Sei Giorni del 1967, né di quella del Kippur del 1973, bensì del più banale, ma per certi versi non meno insidioso, arrivo attraverso il Sinai dello sciame di cavallette che nei giorni scorsi si era abbattuto dal Sudan sul Paese vicino. In poche ore gli insetti hanno ricoperto circa 800 ettari di deserto del Negev bonificati e convertiti alle colture agricole, mettendo seriamente a repentaglio i raccolti.
Il temuto flagello ha letteralmente oscurato i cieli israeliani a meno di tre settimane dalla Pasqua Ebraica, in cui si ricordano le bibliche dieci piaghe d’Egitto che, locuste comprese, colpirono il Regno del Faraone durante l’Esodo, quando gli schiavi ebrei attraversarono il Mar Rosso diretti alla Terra Promessa: per cercare di arginarlo si è fatto ricorso fin dall’alba ai pesticidi, irrorati da aerei e veicoli nell’intento di eliminare le cavallette prima che il sole diurno ne asciugasse le ali dalla rugiada, e potessero così riprendere il volo.
L’ultima volta in cui lo Stato ebraico fu colpito da una calamità del genere risaliva al 2004, e i danni materiali furono enormi. A detta degli esperti, comunque, si tratta di uno sciame di media grandezza, che il mutare dei venti potrebbe allontanare abbastanza rapidamente.







Edited by Milea - 6/3/2013, 18:35
view post Posted: 3/3/2013, 18:14     +1Buon compleanno Silvestro la tigre più vecchia d'Italia - Animals

Un Suricato del Kalahari

Un Siamango

Un gruppo di lemuri

La nuotata subacquea dei pinguini

view post Posted: 27/2/2013, 19:26     +2Peer Steinbrück: «Eletti due clown». Napolitano annulla l'incontro con l’aspirante Cancelliere - NEWS
CITAZIONE (*stellinat* @ 27/2/2013, 19:18) 

Peer Steinbrück ha ragione!

Non avrei mai pensato di dover dare ragione a un “Crucco”… Ma ha pienamente ragione: due clown… uno lo fa per professione e l'altro per diletto… anzi (dato l’elevato livello di testosterone) per di…letto

Direi che la terminologia corretta da adottare per Grillo è “comico” (anche se fa piangere), ma per Berlusconi è più adatto “buffone”… il clown è un degnissimo mestiere…

Edited by Milea - 27/2/2013, 19:42
257 replies since 5/5/2012